5 几个月前

Shut this hospital down.

Where to start. I was brough to the ER by ambulance with upper respiratory systems and very low O2 levels. The medics in the ambulance were great. I was treated in the ER in a timely fashion and admitted to the hospital. The good part ends there I tested negative for covid, flu and rsv and was listed as unknown respiratory virus I was then put on a telemetry floor where I had a roommate that had just had gall bladder surgery. I asked why I was not put in isolation since they didn't know what virus I had and they just laughed it off and said it because I tested negative for covid. The room was so hot that I was sweating and thusly coughing all night. I asked repeatedly for the heat to be turned down but it was not done. Someone came in my room every 3 hours to check my vitals and would say they could hear me coughing down the hall yet Noone would turn down the heat or even bring me cough medicine. They said it was ordered every 4 hours prn so I had to ask for it, even though my room was right across from the nurses station and they could hear me coughing uncontrollably. I didn't know when the last time I had cough medicine was.
After 3 days of sweating and no shower I finally asked for one as they don't give you a towel and washcloth unless you request it. I finally got a shower and they finally changed the damp sweaty sheets I had laid on for 3 days.
The shared bathroom was disgusting and only got cleaned when I finally asked the lady who came in to get the trash what department she was with and what department was responsible for cleaning the bathroom. She said her department was and that she would clean it. The poop on the seat was finally cleaned off.
Obviously, you have to request toilet paper as well. When we were down to just a little bit left on 1 roll I asked for some when I woke up from a nap I found 1 roll of toilet paper on the sink. I had to replace it myself.
While the nurses were nice the hospital was understaffed and getting anything or being walked, which would have aided in my getting better, was like pulling teeth. The 2nd time I wanted to shower, 2 days later, I started telling the new nurse that came on that morning that I wanted to take a shower ťhat day. She said ok but that they were 2 aids short. By 3pm when my daughter came to visit I still had not received a towel and washcloth. She got them for me but was told I had to have someone come in and put plastic on my monitors and IV's before I could shower. Noone came. After another hour passed and I needed cleaned up we finally just disconnected the monitors and I got in the shower. Boy, did they come running then to admonish me for not waiting for them. I had been waiting since 7am and it was now 3pm.
I could go on but I will stop here. I personally believe this hospital should be closed down for cleanliness, or lack there of. It is clearly understaffed in nursing and nursing aids.
I am from WV and was appalled that a hospital of this kind was still operating. It was like going back to the 70's when I worked in hospitals. And they call us backwards. Never have I seen a hospital like this in WV.

Review Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center image 356492
Review Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center image 356493
Review Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center image 356494

