7 几个月前

Judge Carmen Luege | Orange County Family Court

I have had a very similar experience with this Judge. In my opinion, she rules on prejudice and not on what is actually in the best interest of the child. My attorney made a formal complaint to the presiding family court Judge and was told that there is currently a 'drawer full' of similar complaints on Judge Carmen Luege. I also had an extremely hard time understanding her with her poor English and thick accent. She would often attempt to read evidence and skirt over multiple words while reading - I'm assuming it is either because she did not know how to pronounce the word or did not know what it meant; so she omitted reading them. I will work tirelessly to remove this Judge from Family Court to ensure the safety of my child.

注释: (2)

Melissa Torres (Moe)

Judge Luege was very fair during our court hearing. She listened to every word being said in court and had the well being of our children a top priority in her ruling. Maybe the complaint should really be made about your choice of attorney.


