Medtrust capital
6 几个月前

I would give MedTrust a zero out of five stars if ...

I would give MedTrust a zero out of five stars if it was possible. I was in need of a business loan and came upon MedTrust. I spoke with Jay on many occasions and he assured me he could help with funding in a timely manner. The process took months when he promised it would be a couple week process. Not only that, we had to pay an upfront fee of $9,500 which was promised back if the loan was denied. Contracts were signed. After 5 months of submitting nearly every personal and financial document you could think of, the loan was denied. It has been over a month now of emails, phone calls, texts, and stopping by the office and I have still not received my money back. Jay had avoided all my attempts at contact. The website has now been disabled along with the phone number. DO NOT do any business with this company. Losing $9,500 is awful, but I’m more worried about all the personal and financial documents that my spouse and I submitted to him.

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