
The aiFi Story…Being involved in a great number of product developments over the years, the idea of modularity has always intrigued Fredrik Gunnarsson, the Sound Wizard behind aiFi. Several of his product concepts have been implemented in various products and well known brands over the years. After working in Asia for some time, the idea of aiFi matured. When moving back to Karlstad in Värmland, Sweden, it was natural for Fredrik to team up with his friend Victor Isaksen. Victor has a great network all over the world in general and in Värmland in particular. This strengthened the team dramatically, making it possible to manage and carry out product development in Värmland. It was the combined strengths of Victor and Fredrik that made them form a brand around this intelligent product concept. “Victor called me just minutes after they parted from the meeting where they decided to move on with a brand. Enthusiastically he suggested the brand name aiFi, and I just immediately felt, ‘This is it!’” says Fredrik.
