
Milan-based Dianax was founded in 2013 starting from a group scientists led by Eugenio Iannone and Maurizio Moroni and by a few angel investors orchestrated by Gabriele Bavagnoli. Dianax mission is to develop and manufacture labs-on-chip aiming to trasform protein-based diagnostics and make it prompt, easy to use, inexpensive and reliable The Dianax novel technology is designed to make precise diagnostic results convenient, easily accessible, and affordable to patients and healthcare professionals, to empower them to effective prevention, ongoing accurate management and timely emergency treatment. The Dianax technology is the first ever application to diagnostics of a combination of microfluidic innovations and electrochemistry detection systems. Dianax was founded by Eugenio Iannone and his partners to pursue technical and market opportunities based on proprietary, independent research.
