
WORLD-CLASS HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT TRAINING SINCE 1990 HOW THE HUMAN MACHINE BREAKS • HOW TO DO THAT WORK WITH YOUR BARE HANDS • HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE RESULTSStriking – Joint Breaking – ThrowingKnife – Baton – FirearmsThis isn’t self-defense or fighting — it’s how to hurt people so they can’t continue. The hard reality of violence is that nothing changes until you cause serious injury.We train to take things from the man — blinding him, crushing his airway, folding a knee in the entirely wrong direction.People just like you have successfully used their experience from this course to take control of violent situations — and walked away as the winner.Our ongoing training program includes striking, joint breaking, and throwing; with and against knives, batons, and firearms; as well as grabs, holds, chokes & multi-man work.With our proven 10-year curriculum, we can show you something new at every class for a decade, with no repetition. Read more about what we do here. Download our free ebook:Nice Ideas That G
