
Intelici is a network security company specializing in cyber Intelligence detection and protection system. Intelici’s next-generation cyber-threat detection technology is based on the use of artificial intelligence to analyze the propagation patterns of malicious network traffic at the ISP/MSSP level, with no need to access, analyze or filter the traffic’s content. The company's unique technology, that exposes the hidden patterns within Internet traffic, has been in stealth development for more than three years and is now coming to market. The system is already operational at multiple ISPs/MSSPs, and has already proven itself able to detect known and unknown cyber-attacks faster than any other solution. The AI-based technology computes a digital representation of a particular software object based on the traces of said object in the Internet traffic as observed by an ISP (or collection of ISPs), hereafter referred to as a footprint. Intelici was founded in 2016 and is based in Tel Aviv, Israel,
