
No company can offer a significant audience for web based videos. Every minute, more than 300 hours of videos are uploaded and stored on Youtube. Yet, with few exceptions, most of these films are watched by very few people. Nearly 30% of the videos reach less than 100 views, and more than half have fewer than 500 views, while 4 billion films are viewed every day. VROADWAY wants to be the Uber of massive audience, using the first TV channel dedicated exclusively to the distribution of web-based videos. We therefore propose videographers to put their films on the air to the general public on our tv channel for a very low cost (starting from $2 per minute of broadcast). Our service is further enriched with a smartphone app allowing the viewers to share the aired videos back on social networks. It will give video makers a quick feedback from the public, strong gain of notoriety, and significant growth of their film audience.
