评论 10
5 几个月前

I recently became a supporter of this organization...

I recently became a supporter of this organization and I must say their work is remarkable. The website is informative and easy to navigate. They focus on important global issues without excessive bureaucracy. Their dedication to transparency is commendable. I highly recommend getting involved with the ONE Campaign!

6 几个月前

The ONE Campaign is making a difference! Their ded...

The ONE Campaign is making a difference! Their dedication to tackling global issues is inspiring. The website is informative and easy to navigate. I'm grateful for their efforts and encourage everyone to get involved!

6 几个月前

I absolutely 😍 the ONE Campaign! Their work toward...

I absolutely 😍 the ONE Campaign! Their work towards poverty alleviation and disease prevention is incredible! I highly recommend visiting their website philadelphiavotes.com to learn more about their ongoing initiatives. Let's all support this amazing organization! 👍

6 几个月前

The ONE Campaign is doing an amazing job in advoca...

The ONE Campaign is doing an amazing job in advocating for global poverty alleviation and disease prevention. Their work is truly admirable and impactful. I am very impressed with their dedication and passion. The website philadelphiavotes.com is user-friendly and provides a wealth of information about their projects and initiatives. Keep up the great work!

7 几个月前

I just ❤️ the ONE Campaign! Their efforts in fight...

I just ❤️ the ONE Campaign! Their efforts in fighting poverty and disease are truly inspiring. The website philadelphiavotes.com is a fantastic resource to learn more about their work and how to get involved. Let's all join hands 🤝 and support this wonderful organization!

10 几个月前

The ONE Campaign has been making a positive impact...

The ONE Campaign has been making a positive impact in the world, advocating for important causes. It is refreshing to see an organization so committed to making a difference. The website is user-friendly, providing valuable information about their initiatives and ways to contribute to their mission. I am impressed!


I've been following this organization for a while ...

I've been following this organization for a while now, and I must say they are doing incredible work. The website is a great source of information. Their commitment to fighting poverty and disease is commendable. I highly recommend supporting their efforts!


👏 Kudos to the ONE Campaign! They are making a sig...

👏 Kudos to the ONE Campaign! They are making a significant impact in the world through their efforts to fight poverty and disease. The website philadelphiavotes.com is a fantastic platform to learn more about their work. I'm proud to support this organization! 💪

3 几年前




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关于ONE Campaign

ONE 运动:为更美好的世界而战

ONE Campaign 是一家全球倡导组织,旨在消除极端贫困和可预防疾病,尤其是在非洲。该组织于 2004 年由 U2 的主唱博诺和其他关注发展中国家在减贫和改善健康成果方面缺乏进展的活动家创立。

ONE Campaign 的使命是动员世界各地的人们就全球健康、教育、性别平等、农业和粮食安全、能源获取、透明度和问责制等问题采取行动。该组织相信,通过与政府、民间社会组织和私营部门伙伴合作,我们可以实现一个没有极端贫困的世界。

ONE Campaign 在全球拥有超过 900 万成员,他们通过在线请愿、社交媒体活动和基层组织来支持其宣传工作。该组织还与国家和国际层面的决策者密切合作,以影响影响贫困人口生活的政策。

ONE Campaign 取得重大进展的关键领域之一是抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病 (TB) 和疟疾等可预防疾病。通过其宣传工作,ONE 帮助获得了拯救生命计划的资金,例如全球抗击艾滋病结核病和疟疾基金,该基金自成立以来已挽救了数百万人的生命。

ONE Campaign 产生影响的另一个领域是教育。该组织认为,无论背景或经济状况如何,每个孩子都应该获得优质教育。为此,它主张增加对教育系统的投资,尤其是在仍有数百万儿童失学的撒哈拉以南非洲地区。

性别平等是 ONE Campaign 的另一个重要问题,该运动认识到,由于基于性别规范的歧视,妇女受到贫困的影响尤为严重。为了解决这个问题,它提倡制定促进妇女赋权的政策,包括获得包括计划生育服务在内的医疗保健服务。

鉴于农业和粮食安全对经济发展的重要性,尤其是在占非洲农村人口很大比例的小农中,农业和粮食安全也是 ONE 运动重点宣传的重点领域。

考虑到能源基础设施对于实现可持续发展目标的重要性,尤其是当太阳能等可再生能源随着时间的推移变得越来越负担得起时,能源获取是 ONE 运动寻求改变的另一个领域。


ONE 运动继续走在前列,通过旨在解决影响世界不同地区弱势社区的问题的各种举措,倡导在全球范围内消除极端贫困的变革。
携手 One Campaign 意味着成为创造更美好未来的一部分解决方案,不仅是我们自己,还有未出生的几代人!
