评论 13
8 几个月前

I recently stumbled upon a remarkable organization...

I recently stumbled upon a remarkable organization that empowers and supports young people entering the world of politics. Their dedication to fostering a new generation of leaders is truly inspiring. The information and resources provided on their website are thorough and accessible, making it easy for anyone interested in running for office to get started. Their commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in their support for a wide range of candidates from different backgrounds. The organization's mission to create positive change through political engagement is both timely and essential. I am impressed by their professionalism and the genuine support they offer to candidates. This organization is a game-changer in the political landscape, and I am excited to see the impact they will continue to make.


Run for something is an amazing company! They real...

Run for something is an amazing company! They really care about making a difference and helping people achieve their goals. I would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to get involved in politics.

关于Run for something


Run for Something 是一个非营利组织,旨在为年轻的进步人士赋权,并为未来打造一个进步的替补席。该组织招募并支持有才华、充满激情的年轻人,他们将在现在和未来 30 年倡导进步的价值观。

Run for Something 的最终目标是建立一个由多元化、进步的领导者组成的渠道,让他们可以竞选各级政府的公职。通过这样做,他们希望建立一个更具代表性的民主制度,以反映所有美国人的价值观和需求。

Run for Something 由 Amanda Litman 和 Ross Morales Rocketto 于 2017 年创立,已迅速成为美国政界最具影响力的组织之一。自成立以来,它已从全国招募了60,000多名潜在候选人。

该组织的成功在于它能够与热衷于有所作为但可能不知从何入手的年轻人建立联系。 Run for Something 为他们提供了在各级政府成功开展竞选活动所需的工具。

Run for Something 支持其候选人的一种方式是为他们提供经验丰富的竞选人员的指导。这种指导包括从筹款建议到媒体培训和消息传递策略的所有内容。

此外,Run For Something 通过他们的 PAC(政治行动委员会)提供财政支持。他们为每位候选人提供 1000 美元至 5000 美元不等的种子资金,以帮助支付初始成本,例如申请费或网站开发成本。

Run For Something 工作的另一个关键方面是他们对多样性和包容性的承诺。他们认为,无论种族或性别认同如何,每个人都应该有平等的机会参与我们的民主。为此,他们积极从女性、有色人种、LGBTQ+ 等群体中招募候选人。

Run For Something 还认识到,竞选公职可能会令人望而生畏,尤其是如果您之前没有任何政界经验或人脉的话。这就是为什么他们提供专门为初次应聘者设计的培训计划,涵盖从如何正确​​提交文件到如何在 Twitter 或 Facebook 等社交媒体平台上有效地制作信息的所有内容。

总的来说,Run For something 是一个令人难以置信的组织,它正在为建立一个更具包容性的民主制度做重要的工作,在这个民主制度中,无论背景或环境如何,每个人都有平等的机会。如果您有兴趣自己作为候选人参与或在经济上支持他们的努力,请立即访问他们的网站!

Run for something

Run for something
