评论 11
5 几个月前

I am extremely impressed with Sureswift Capital! T...

I am extremely impressed with Sureswift Capital! The level of professionalism and expertise shown by their team is top-notch. They provided me with a seamless experience and truly exceeded my expectations. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it convenient to access information about their services. The rates offered by Sureswift Capital are competitive, and their customer service is outstanding. I highly recommend Sureswift Capital to anyone in need of financial services.

6 几个月前

👍 Sureswift Capital is amazing! Their financial se...

👍 Sureswift Capital is amazing! Their financial services are top-notch, and the team is always ready to assist. The website is intuitive, making it easy to access the information I needed. They offer competitive rates and have a wide range of options to choose from. I am definitely satisfied with my experience.

8 几个月前

💯 Sureswift Capital is simply amazing! Their finan...

💯 Sureswift Capital is simply amazing! Their financial services are top-notch, and the team goes above and beyond to assist. The rates provided are competitive, and the website is intuitive. I am extremely satisfied with their services.


I recently used a financial service and had a posi...

I recently used a financial service and had a positive experience. The process was smooth, and the rates offered were reasonable. The team at Sureswift Capital was helpful and responsive to my needs. I would definitely recommend their services to others.


Sureswift Capital provided me with excellent finan...

Sureswift Capital provided me with excellent financial services. The team was knowledgeable and responsive, addressing all my concerns. I appreciate their competitive rates and user-friendly website. Overall, a great experience.


👌 Sureswift Capital exceeded my expectations with ...

👌 Sureswift Capital exceeded my expectations with their exceptional financial solutions. The team was friendly and professional, ensuring a smooth process from start to finish. The website is user-friendly and provides all the necessary information. I am highly satisfied with their services.


I cannot speak highly enough about Sureswift Capit...

I cannot speak highly enough about Sureswift Capital. Their professionalism and expertise are unmatched. The team was incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. The rates offered were competitive, and the website was easy to navigate. I would recommend Sureswift Capital to anyone looking for quality financial services.


I recently used a financial service and had a posi...

I recently used a financial service and had a positive experience. The process was straightforward, and the rates were reasonable. The team at Sureswift Capital was helpful and responsive, addressing all my concerns. I would recommend their services to others.


I had an excellent experience with Sureswift Capit...

I had an excellent experience with Sureswift Capital. The team was professional, knowledgeable, and always available to answer any questions. The rates offered were competitive, and the website was user-friendly. I would highly recommend their services to others.


I recently used a financial service and had a grea...

I recently used a financial service and had a great experience. The process was smooth, and the rates offered were reasonable. The website was user-friendly and provided all the necessary information. The team at Sureswift Capital was helpful and responsive to my inquiries. I would definitely recommend them to anyone in need of financial assistance.


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关于Sureswift capital

SureSwift Capital:销售 SaaS 业务的终极解决方案

您是希望出售您的 SaaS 业务的软件企业家吗?您想为您的公司获得最好的报价,而无需经历寻找潜在买家和谈判交易的麻烦吗?如果是这样,那么 SureSwift Capital 就是您的完美解决方案。

SureSwift Capital 是 SaaS 业务的领先收购方,为企业家提供快速、轻松的方式来出售他们的公司。凭借多年的行业经验,SureSwift 通过在整个销售过程中为他们提供公平的报价和专家指导,帮助数百名企业家实现了他们的目标。

是什么让 SureSwift Capital 与众不同?

与可能需要数月甚至数年才能完成交易的其他买家不同,SureSwift 可以在数周内完成收购。这意味着您可以快速获得报酬并毫不拖延地继续您的下一个事业。

此外,SureSwift 了解每项业务都是独一无二的,需要个性化的关注。这就是为什么他们与每位企业家密切合作,以在提供报价之前了解他们的需求和目标。这确保了每笔交易都是量身定制的,以满足每个卖家的特定要求。

与 SureSwift 合作的另一个优势是他们在 SaaS 业务方面的专业知识。他们收购了各个领域的公司,例如营销自动化、电子商务、项目管理、CRM 软件等。这意味着他们对成功的 SaaS 业务有着深刻的理解,并且可以就如何在出售公司之前提高公司价值提供宝贵的见解。


使用 SureSwift Capital 出售您的 SaaS 业务的过程非常简单:

1) 在线或通过电话联系他们:您可以通过填写在线表格或直接致电联系他们。他们会问你一些关于贵公司财务状况、客户群、团队规模等的基本问题,因此请事先准备好这些信息。


3) 报价:如果他们有兴趣在初步评估阶段后收购您的公司;他们将根据多种因素提出报价,例如类似利基市场的市场趋势;目前的市场状况;财务绩效指标,如收入增长率;客户流失率; CAC/LTV 比率等

4) 尽职调查:接受他们的录取通知书条款和条件后;尽职调查始于双方交换有关彼此运营和财务的机密信息,这有助于确保谈判过程中的透明度,同时保护敏感数据不被泄露到参与交易讨论的各方之外

5) 交割:一旦成功完成所有尽职调查,双方就最终条款和条件达成一致,包括购买价格支付结构等;交割发生在所有权从卖方转移到买方以及与之相关的所有资产负债的情况下,完成交易手续所涉及的两个实体(即分别为卖方和买方)之间的销售/购买协议的法律所要求的交易手续。

为什么选择 SureSwift Capital?

选择 SureSwift Capital 可能是您作为软件企业家做出的最佳决定之一有以下几个原因:

1) 快速周转时间 - 您不必等待数月甚至数年才能获得辛勤工作的报酬。确保快速的资本交易通常在 30-60 天内完成,具体取决于其中涉及的复杂性;

2) 专业知识——他们的团队由经验丰富的专业人士组成,他们了解建立成功的 SaaS 业务需要什么;

3) 个性化关注——他们在整个过程中与每位企业家密切合作,确保为满足个人需求/目标量身定制定制解决方案;

4) 公平报价——他们在全面评估的基础上提供公平报价,确保卖家在退出现有企业时获得最大价值;

5) 保密性——买方/卖方之间的所有讨论在交易截止日期之前均保密,从而保护谈判期间交换的敏感数据/信息免受未经授权的访问/泄露,涉及的外部各方,即分别为卖方/买方。


总而言之,Sure Swift capital 为希望退出现有企业的企业家提供以公平价格出售机会的机会,同时在整个过程中接受专家指导,从而实现在售后完成后顺利过渡到新企业。Sure Swift capital 在其竞争对手中脱颖而出提供快速的周转时间加上个性化的关注,确保在退出现有企业时获得最大价值。因此,如果您正在考虑出售与成功运营基于 SaaS 的企业相关的任何部分/所有方面,那么确定的快速资本就是您的最佳选择!

Sureswift capital

Sureswift capital
