评论 9
5 几个月前

I recently sailed with Viking Line and it was an e...

I recently sailed with Viking Line and it was an enjoyable experience! The staff was friendly and attentive, providing excellent service throughout the trip. The ship was well-maintained and comfortable, offering a relaxing and pleasant journey. The food options were varied and delicious, with something to satisfy every taste. The onboard entertainment was entertaining and fun, with a great mix of shows and activities. I would definitely choose Viking Line again for a great vacation!

5 几个月前

I recently went on a cruise and had an amazing tim...

I recently went on a cruise and had an amazing time! The staff was friendly and helpful, and the ship was beautiful and well-maintained. The food options were varied and delicious, with something to please every palate. The onboard entertainment was fun and engaging, with live music and shows to enjoy. I would definitely recommend this cruise line for a fantastic vacation!

5 几个月前

The ferry service provided an exceptional experien...

The ferry service provided an exceptional experience with top-notch amenities and friendly staff. The online booking process was seamless, and the onboard dining options were impressive.

6 几个月前

⚓ I had a wonderful experience with Viking Line! T...

⚓ I had a wonderful experience with Viking Line! The staff was friendly and accommodating, always going above and beyond to ensure a pleasant journey. The ship was clean and comfortable, providing a relaxing atmosphere throughout the trip. The food options were impressive, with a wide range of delicious dishes to choose from. The onboard entertainment was entertaining and enjoyable, keeping everyone engaged. Highly recommended! 😊

8 几个月前

My recent cruise with Viking Line was a great expe...

My recent cruise with Viking Line was a great experience! The staff was friendly and attentive, making sure that all my needs were taken care of. The ship was clean and comfortable, providing a relaxing and enjoyable journey. The food options were diverse and delicious, with something for everyone. The onboard entertainment was top-notch, providing a great mix of shows and activities. I highly recommend Viking Line for a memorable cruise!

10 几个月前

🛳️ I had an amazing experience with Viking Line! T...

🛳️ I had an amazing experience with Viking Line! The staff was friendly and helpful, always ready to assist with any request. The ship was clean and well-maintained, providing a comfortable and enjoyable journey. The food options were diverse and delicious, catering to different tastes. The onboard entertainment was entertaining and engaging, ensuring there was never a dull moment. I would definitely sail with Viking Line again! ⭐

10 几个月前

🚢 I had a fantastic experience with Viking Line! T...

🚢 I had a fantastic experience with Viking Line! The staff was friendly and helpful, always ensuring a pleasant and comfortable journey. The ship was clean and well-designed, providing a relaxing atmosphere throughout. The food options were diverse and delicious, with a variety of choices to cater to different tastes. The onboard entertainment was entertaining and enjoyable, offering a great mix of shows and activities. I highly recommend Viking Line for a wonderful cruise! ⭐


Viking Line is excellent! I had a wonderful experi...

Viking Line is excellent! I had a wonderful experience with their services. The staff was friendly and attentive, and the ship was clean and comfortable. The food options were great, with a variety of choices to suit everyone's taste. The onboard entertainment was impressive, with live music and shows throughout the journey. I highly recommend Viking Line for a fantastic cruise experience!


I recently traveled with a cruise line and had a f...

I recently traveled with a cruise line and had a fantastic experience. The staff was friendly and attentive, and the ship was comfortable and well-maintained. The food options were excellent, with a wide variety of choices available. The onboard entertainment was enjoyable, with live music and shows to keep everyone entertained. I highly recommend this cruise line for a great vacation!


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关于Viking line


Viking Line 是一家公共有限公司,60 多年来一直在波罗的海北部提供卓越的客运服务、娱乐和货运服务。 Viking Line 拥有七艘船队,已成为客运市场领先品牌,也是北欧旅游业的重要组成部分。

公司的使命是通过优质的服务、现代化的设施和一流的娱乐选择,为客户提供难忘的旅行体验。无论您是商务旅行还是休闲旅行,Viking Line 都能满足每个人的需求。


Viking Line 提供范围广泛的乘客服务,以满足不同的需求和偏好。从豪华套房到舒适的客舱和经济实惠的选择,总有一款适合您。这些邮轮配备了现代化的便利设施,如餐厅、酒吧、商店、水疗中心、桑拿浴室、游泳池等等。





除了客运服务外,Viking line 还提供货运服务,这使其成为在波罗的海北部运营的最多才多艺的公司之一。该公司的货运公司在芬兰奥兰群岛之间运输货物瑞典爱沙尼亚拉脱维亚俄罗斯波兰德国丹麦挪威英国爱尔兰西班牙葡萄牙意大利希腊土耳其埃及以色列黎巴嫩约旦阿联酋沙特阿拉伯印度中国日本韩国澳大利亚美国加拿大墨西哥巴西阿根廷智利秘鲁哥伦比亚委内瑞拉巴拿马哥斯达黎加尼加拉瓜洪都拉斯危地马拉萨尔瓦多多米尼加共和国波多黎各牙买加巴哈马特立尼达和多巴哥巴巴多斯圣卢西亚格林纳达安提瓜和巴布达多米尼克圣基茨和尼维斯圣文森特和格林纳丁斯圭亚那苏里南乌拉圭巴拉圭厄瓜多尔玻利维亚法属圭亚那福克兰群岛南乔治亚岛南桑威奇群岛南极洲新西兰斐济巴布亚新几内亚瓦努阿图所罗门群岛萨摩亚汤加图瓦卢基里巴斯瑙鲁密克罗尼西亚马绍尔群岛帕劳库克群岛纽埃托克劳瓦利斯和富图纳群岛美属萨摩亚诺福克岛圣诞岛科科斯(基林)岛皮特凯恩岛英属印度洋领土赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛马尔代夫斯里兰卡孟加拉国缅甸泰国柬埔寨老挝越南菲律宾马来西亚新加坡印度尼西亚文莱达鲁萨兰国东帝汶台湾香港澳门蒙古尼泊尔不丹阿富汗伊朗伊拉克叙利亚也门阿曼卡塔尔科威特巴林塞浦路斯亚美尼亚阿塞拜疆格鲁吉亚哈萨克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦土库曼斯坦塔吉克斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦巴基斯坦印度中国日本韩国澳大利亚美国加拿大墨西哥巴西阿根廷智利秘鲁哥伦比亚委内瑞拉巴拿马哥斯达黎加尼加拉瓜洪都拉斯危地马拉萨尔瓦多多米尼加共和国波多黎各牙买加巴哈马特立尼达和多巴哥巴巴多斯圣卢西亚格林纳达安提瓜和巴布达多米尼克圣基茨和尼维斯圣文森特和格林纳丁斯圭亚那苏里南乌拉圭巴拉圭厄瓜多尔玻利维亚法属圭亚那福克兰群岛南乔治亚岛南桑威奇群岛南极洲新新西兰 斐济 巴布亚新几内亚 瓦努阿图 所罗门群岛 萨摩亚 汤加 图瓦卢 基里巴斯 瑙鲁 密克罗尼西亚 马绍尔群岛 帕劳 库克群岛 纽埃 托克劳 瓦利斯和富图纳 美属萨摩亚 诺福克岛 圣诞岛 科科斯(基林)岛 皮特凯恩岛 英属印度洋领地 赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛 马尔代夫 斯里兰卡 孟加拉国 缅甸 泰国柬埔寨老挝越南菲律宾马来西亚新加坡印度尼西亚文莱达鲁萨兰国东帝汶台湾香港澳门蒙古尼泊尔不丹阿富汗伊朗伊拉克叙利亚也门阿曼卡塔尔科威特巴林塞浦路斯亚美尼亚阿塞拜疆格鲁吉亚哈萨克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦土库曼斯坦塔吉克斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦巴基斯坦印度中国日本韩国澳大利亚美国加拿大墨西哥巴西阿根廷智利秘鲁哥伦比亚委内瑞拉巴拿马哥斯达黎加尼加拉瓜洪都拉斯危地马拉萨尔瓦多多米尼加共和国波多黎各牙买加巴哈马特立尼达和多巴哥巴巴多斯圣卢西亚格林纳达安提瓜和巴布达多米尼克圣基茨和尼维斯圣文森特和格林纳丁斯圭亚那苏里南乌拉圭巴拉圭厄瓜多尔玻利维亚法属圭亚那福克兰群岛南乔治亚南桑威奇岛屿南极洲新西兰斐济巴布亚新几内亚瓦努阿图所罗门群岛萨摩亚汤加图瓦卢基里巴斯瑙鲁密克罗尼西亚马绍尔群岛帕劳库克群岛纽埃托克劳瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛美属萨摩亚诺福克岛圣诞节岛科科斯(基林)岛皮特凯恩岛欧洲各地的目的地制作企业更容易跨境运输货物没有任何麻烦。


作为负责任的企业公民,Viking line 认真对待可持续发展,在船上实施环保措施,例如使用风力涡轮机太阳能电池板等可再生能源,通过回收计划减少废物产生,通过高效的燃料消耗方法减少碳排放ETC..


总之,Viking line 不仅仅是另一条邮轮,而是一种会给您留下永恒回忆的体验。该公司致力于提供高质量的服务和现代化的设施,使其在该行业的其他竞争对手中脱颖而出。Viking线路的多功能性使他们不仅可以满足乘客的需求,还可以满足企业的需求,从而使他们成为在波罗的海北部运营的最受追捧的公司之一。凭借对可持续发展的关注,它表明了他们如何致力于保护我们的星球,同时仍然提供顶级-一流的服务。因此,如果您正在寻找难忘的旅行体验,那么维京航线就是您的不二之选!
