Matt Dodds

3 几年前

我们的阶层经理Steven Loo是一位出色的房地产经理。他总是以深思熟虑的方式及时答复。他尊重我们...

我们的阶层经理Steven Loo是一位出色的房地产经理。他总是以深思熟虑的方式及时答复。他尊重我们的时间,并参加会议。我们非常感谢他管理我们的财产,并随时乐意与他合作。


注释: (1)


My experience with Steven Loo has been TERRIBLE. I have to email him multiple times asking him to update me, he takes weeks to reply, I've been emailing him for 4 months and he has consistently been dodging my emails and calls. Called the head office and they have been useless at assisting. Steven Loo is none of the things you mentioned above. Does not respect my time whatsoever.
