评论 11
3 几个月前

My engagement with Consilium Recruiting has been n...

My engagement with Consilium Recruiting has been nothing short of a nightmare, characterized by a series of unprofessional interactions and systemic incompetence that have severely impacted my professional practice.

From the onset, the lack of basic communication skills was glaringly apparent, particularly in my dealings with McKenzie Roberts. The interactions lacked the professionalism and respect expected when discussing arrangements for a senior physician executive's role in providing medical services to a healthcare system. The tone and quality of email correspondences were far below the standard one would expect in such a context.

The administrative chaos continued with the handling of essential documents. Despite my clear communication regarding errors in the language of a crucial contract, I was bombarded with repeated requests to sign the incorrect document via DocuSign. My efforts to rectify the situation were ignored, leading me to decline the document to stop the incessant, automated emails.

The credentialing process, a critical step in my onboarding, was mishandled from the beginning. I provided specific guidance based on my extensive experience, outlining the clear distinctions between HR procedures and medical credentialing processes. Unfortunately, my expertise was disregarded, resulting in my inability to commence work due to lack of proper credentialing. The situation was exacerbated when Ms. Roberts went on leave, leaving her backup just as clueless and forcing me to directly intervene with the facility to expedite my credentialing process.

Financially, the experience was equally disheartening. Despite being assured of competitive compensation, I discovered through other locum opportunities that Consilium's offer was significantly lower. This revelation was compounded by the unexpected deduction of a non-resident tax from my paycheck, a detail never disclosed by Joseph Hawthorne. Furthermore, the first invoice omitted several agreed-upon expenses, and to my dismay, I found that there were additional charges for direct deposit, an aspect never communicated to me.

Having worked with numerous reputable organizations in the past, the level of disarray and lack of accountability at Consilium is unparalleled. Their approach not only demonstrates a profound disregard for professional standards but also a blatant disrespect for the physicians they purport to represent.

Given these severe issues, I have formally requested that Consilium's senior leadership, including Matt Baade, be involved in a meeting to address these concerns. My escalation of these issues to Chase Carlson, VP, in search of resolution only compounded my disappointment. Despite the gravity of the concerns raised, there was a stark lack of action or acknowledgment from Mr. Carlson and the company at large. This indifference towards addressing significant professional grievances not only reflects poorly on individual leadership but also on the organizational ethos of Consilium Recruiting, further eroding any remaining trust in their services."

This addition highlights the specific interaction with Chase Carlson and the overall inaction from the company, reinforcing the negative impact on your professional experience.

This review serves as a cautionary tale for medical professionals considering engagements with Consilium Recruiting. In light of my experiences, I urge both healthcare facilities and clinicians to exercise caution and consider alternatives to engaging with this company for locum services. The challenges I faced, from credentialing delays to financial discrepancies, suggest a pattern that could lead to unnecessary hassle, delays, and potential financial losses for others. It's crucial for both hospitals and medical professionals to thoroughly vet their partnerships to ensure seamless and supportive collaborations.

3 几年前



4 几年前


很棒的公司,放下手。具有最强核心价值和增长驱动型业务模型的基于信仰的组织。怪不得“教职人员教父”(当之无愧的绰号)乔·霍金斯(Joe Hawkins)退休后便开始了这一令人难以置信的旅程-着重于以正确和符合道德的方式开展业务。很荣幸能成为这个团队的一员!

4 几年前




我并不是在积极地找工作,Consilium Staffing不能将我绑在办公桌上,使我的收入低于家庭平均工资,每天只能打80-150个电话,这对我没有任何帮助。您可以为此租用一个呼叫中心。


该公司仅与大约100名内部员工一起进行$ 25-30M的销售,他们希望今年的销售增长40%。这是荒谬的。一个BDM可以实现2500万美元的销售额。

4 几年前




关于Consilium Staffing

Consilium 人员配置:彻底改变医疗保健人员配置解决方案

Consilium Staffing 是一家领先的临时代理公司,十多年来一直为美国各地的医疗机构提供医疗服务。该公司通过提供满足医疗保健提供者和医疗机构独特需求的创新解决方案,彻底改变了医疗保健人员配置行业。

Consilium Staffing 拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,已成为满足医疗保健人员需求的值得信赖的合作伙伴。该公司的使命是提供高质量、具有成本效益的人员配备解决方案,帮助医疗机构提供卓越的患者护理。

Consilium Staffing 与其他临时代理公司的不同之处在于它致力于在运营的各个方面实现卓越。从招聘和资格认证到安置和持续支持,公司力求在所做的每一件事上都做到卓越。


在 Consilium Staffing,招聘不仅仅是填补职位空缺;这是关于为每个医疗机构的独特需求找到合适的产品。公司的招聘人员团队与客户密切合作,了解他们的具体要求和偏好,确保他们为每个职位找到完美的候选人。


认证可能是一个耗时的过程,但 Consilium Staffing 代表其客户处理认证验证的所有方面,从而简化了这一过程。这包括验证许可证、证书、工作经历、推荐信等。通过提前处理此流程,Consilium 确保只向客户介绍合格的候选人。


一旦候选人被招募并获得认证,Consilium 将与客户密切合作以确保顺利的安置过程。这包括协调旅行安排和在整个任务期间提供持续支持。


Consilium 明白,成功的安置需要持续的支持,而不仅仅是填补职位空缺。这就是为什么公司在整个任务期间提供全面的支持服务——从工资单处理和福利管理到医疗事故保险——确保医疗保健提供者和医疗机构始终得到充分支持。

除了这些核心服务外,Consilium 还提供创新的解决方案,例如远程医疗人员配备服务——允许医疗机构访问远程医生——以及专门针对每个客户的独特需求量身定制的劳动力管理解决方案。


通过与 Consillim staffings 合作,您将获得许多好处,例如:

1) 访问大型合格医疗保健提供者网络
2) 具有成本效益的解决方案
3) 简化的招聘和证书验证流程
4) 全面的持续支持服务
5) 根据您的独特需求量身定制的创新解决方案


总之,如果您正在寻找经验丰富的合作伙伴来帮助您满足医疗保健人员需求,同时提供出色的患者护理,那么 consillim staffings 就是您的最佳选择。凭借在这一领域超过 10 年的经验,他们已成为代理人行业中最值得信赖的品牌之一。那为什么还要等?今天联系他们!

Consilium Staffing

Consilium Staffing
