评论 9
2 几个月前

horrible person

I could not recommend Matthew less as a parenting consultant. He was horrible to work with, and our child suffered because of his gross negligence. Matthew made it very clear from the moment we signed the contract that he had no interest in meeting anyone involved. He never spoke to our child or knew anything about her. We had glaring issues involving unnecessary and harmful medications being given to our child, and Matthew refused to talk to any of the medical providers or the school to get the full picture. Coparent sent him notes full of lies, and he believed them without verifying anything even though we begged him to follow up/ investigate. We were able to get everything reversed without him because the providers were being lied to as well (we had documentation), but not after our child lost 40% of her body weight in a very short amount of time and suffered physically and emotionally. And we still had to pay Matthew thousands of dollars for refusing to do anything. We were ordered to pay 90% of his fees (hundreds of dollars per email) so of course the other parent (who only pays 10%) sent many unnecessary emails just to play games and rack up our bill. Matthew is only in it for the money and seemed to enjoy this. Our sole purpose for hiring a PC was to evaluate parenting time and make it more equal. Our child was in a dangerous situation with her other parent, and we have a safe and loving home and desperately wanted more time with her. Matthew said repeatedly he had no interest or intention of doing that, and could not give any reason. We asked Matthew reallocate his fees to 50/50 to make things equal and stop the unnecessary spending games, which he also denied. When we asked to terminate the contract to find someone else who would be more reasonable, Matthew refused. Again, he loves the payday. Matthew does not have your child’s best interest in mind.



我强烈不推荐佩吉科特雷尔。她专注于告诉你该怎么做,而不是真正地倾听、理解和帮助一个人。这会对任何人造成更大的创伤,尤其是如果您来自无效的背景。我觉得佩吉缺乏真正的同理心,这是治疗师最重要的品质。我通常不写评论,但如果一位家长看到了这个并且我可以帮助一个孩子去这里,那就值得了。请查看有关 Moxie 和 Peggy 的所有其他评论。他们不好是有原因的。


Peggy Cottrell 既不专业又自恋。

Peggy Cottrell 既不专业又自恋。


Peggy Cottrell 是骗子,不值得信任。
Peggy Cottrell 向法庭报告了虚假陈述。

Peggy Cottrell 似乎与律师、育儿顾问和受害者的猎物保持一致~加油!




2 几年前

Peggy Cottrell 是一个非常不友善的人。她对我非常粗鲁,并无休止地伤害了我。她所做的只是...

Peggy Cottrell 是一个非常不友善的人。她对我非常粗鲁,并无休止地伤害了我。她所做的只是寻找不存在的问题;她永远不会解决我提出的问题。她想从各个方面系统地拆除我的生活。我曾提到为我父亲的去世感到悲痛。她居然敢告诉我,我有优势,只是因为当他们来告诉我爸爸去世时,我对让警察进入我家持怀疑态度。她告诉我她的孩子会让他们进来,并坚持认为他们很好,因为他们是警察。成为一名警察并不能使你成为一个好人。在过去的几个月之后,只有这个星球上最大的白痴才会相信这一点,我认为她应该学会什么时候闭嘴。永远不要相信她;她是一个讨厌的、邪恶的女巫。

3 几年前

我是一家家庭律师,曾有多个客户通过Moxie Inc利用各种服务。我们与Peggy Cottrell...

我是一家家庭律师,曾有多个客户通过Moxie Inc利用各种服务。我们与Peggy Cottrell,Matthew Shore和Michael Goldfarb合作。他们都是专业人士,致力于与孩子们的最大利益合作。他们确实把孩子放在首位,所以如果某些父母由于自身的问题而难以将孩子的需求放在首位,他们可能会遇到困难。我强烈推荐他们的服务。

3 几年前

Moxie强烈推荐给我。法院为我们分配了马修·肖尔(Matthew Shore)。在向我们收取400...

Moxie强烈推荐给我。法院为我们分配了马修·肖尔(Matthew Shore)。在向我们收取4000美元的帮助费用后,他退出了。六个月后唯一发现的问题是谁愿意为孩子们开处方。尽管有多次要求和法院特别命令他,他仍未解决心理健康问题。绝对不专业的行为。
